Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What Can I do To Make A Difference in The World

Look deep within yourself and ask yourself this question.

What can I do to make a difference in the world?

Are you willing to make a commitment to do something that will have an impact on the future of our world?

Well.. I'm here to tell you that this starts with you. You have to make that commitment. To become a better you. To live your life to your fullest potential. To stop making excuses and start taking responsibility.

I truly believe that we all have something to give. That unique gift of ourselves to give freely to others, many of whom have yet to embrace this higher consciousness way of living.

"Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have."

~ Jim Rohn

My passion is to help others see this enlightened way of life. To empower them to take action and start living their life - on purpose!

I am passionate about sharing and educating others on simple ways to live healthy, eco-conscious, vibrant, self-empowered lifestyles. In my work I help individuals and small businesses learn how they can incorporate simple ways to be green into their business practices and how to implement online marketing strategies and get started in the world of social media marketing.

I love sharing the knowledge I've learned. To inspire and help others be successful.

I choose to do this because I stood up and said, "I want to know that I made a difference in the world". I will help others and know that my life has purpose.

When all is said and done, I will know that I've contributed my part.

I've made a difference in protecting and preserving our natural resources. That I've raised healthy, self-empowered children. And that my children, their children, their children's children.... will be able to enjoy all the beauty our planet earth has to offer.

That I've encouraged and inspired my family, friends, communities to live healthy, toxic free, personally successful lives.

I am a true believer that we must be active participants in this game of life. We control our destinies.

So I ask... "what destiny do you want for yourself"?

There are so many ways we can contribute to this world. I hope I have inspired, encouraged and empowered (yes I love this word) you all to start being an active participant in life. To find your own unique way of giving back.

Open your minds, open your hearts, start taking action & don't look back!

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you have imagined."
~Henry David Thoreau

Live your Life on Purpose!


Monday, February 9, 2009

Awesome Site I Found for EarthDay Celebrators!

Awesome community site I found for those of us who share an interest in doing something to celebrate Earth Day. Come Join Me there!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Simple, Low Stress New Year's Green Resolutions

Looking for simple, low-stress resolutions for the New Year? Think Green.

What simple, easy eco-friendly resolution can you implement this year that will make a difference in not only your home, but your community and our global environment?

Here are a few ideas to get you started.


Water - If you’re a person who feels that drinking water comes in a bottle, not from your tap, what do you do to be green? We all know that buying cases of bottled water is far from being eco-conscious.

And having a Brita filters on your facet, yes it’s one way to be more eco-friendly. But what about the cost, not to mention the waste of filters? Still doesn’t add up to being cost effective or eco-friendly?

What about getting a 3 or 5 gallon water bottle?

You can easily fill it up at your local grocery store or water depot. My family goes through 3, 5-gallon bottles every 10-12 days. We spend about $24 a month for purified water.

That’s no chemicals, no pollutants, just pure clean water, plus…no waste!

Of course, don’t forget to invest in a favorite water bottle to take with you while on the go. And, definitely let your kids pick their own bottles. That makes it more special to them.

Reusing the same bottles is a simple, easy & low stress resolution.


Energy - Rechargeable & Solar Energy Batteries.

How many gadgets can you think of, that you and your family use every day that uses batteries? Razors, toothbrushes, cordless phones, MP3 players, controllers for Wii, cameras, flashlights, and… That list goes on and on.

My family of 5 could go through a 24 pack of AA batteries in just a few days. Now think how much you spend at Costco buying batteries in bulk – to save money.

Wouldn’t that money be better spent on a charging base and a bulk pack of rechargeable batteries? And before you say, you’ve tried rechargeables and they lose their effectiveness after a while, there’s something new to fix that. Read this for some helpful tips.

Or, what about solar powered batteries? Has anyone tried these?

So next time you run out of batteries, invest in rechargeables. Saves money, time & reduces waste.


Clutter - The holidays are over; we now have new items we need to find room for in our homes.

Time to clean out the clutter. How many items do you have around your home that you’re not using, collecting dust, that are gently barely worn or practically new condition.

De-clutter and simplify your home. Believe me, the idea that less is more is such a stress releasing, freeing sensation.

Now what do you do with all that extra stuff?

I always start with the Goodwill, Saint Vincent de Paul, or Hospice. Yes, I know what you’re going to say. These agencies don’t accept many of your good quality items.

So what about donating to the Battered Women’s Shelter, Children’s Crisis Center, or Cancer Society? Many of these places if you call them will practically pick up your items on your doorstep, how convenient is that!

Remember, everything you donate to these charities is always tax deductible.

OK, so let’s say you still have stuff you don’t want. Try placing them on your curb & putting up a FREE sign on it. This works especially well for large items like furniture, desks, etc.

Now if your home owners association doesn’t allow this, try posting your items through the Freecycle network. Look up your local area and join your group. This is an awesome community network, a nonprofit movement of people who are giving and getting stuff for free in their own towns.

Recycling your items by sharing it with another keeps it out of our landfills and makes for a cleaner, happier world all around.

I encourage everyone to share your ideas on other simple ways to be green in our everyday lives.

Happy New Year to All.